When Kathy Dahlkemper voted for the largest federal expansion of funding for abortions, she made it clear.
Kathy Dahlkemper is not Pro-Life. But there is still some confusion surrounding this issue, and there shouldn’t be.
Maybe the confusion is due to her defensive TV Ads proclaiming she is still Pro-Life. Or maybe her long explanation on her website of what “Pro-Life” now means to her is leaving you scratching your head. And what about the flyer (paid with our tax dollars) that was mailed to our houses advertising Kathy as still Pro-Life?
Many Pro-Life groups feel betrayed by Kathy. They state that she voted for the most pro-abortion legislation ever passed by Congress, and they have the facts to back it up. Just some of these groups listed below:
Erie People for Life www.peopleforlife.org
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation http://www.paprolife.org/
Americans United for Life http://www.aul.org/
Susan B. Anthony List http://www.sba-list.org/
American Life League www.all.org
And there are many more…
With all the contradictory information out there, the above websites should help.
The Erie People for Life’s website has a lot of great factual documentation and handouts on their website showing you why Obama’s Health Care bill (Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act) is the most pro-abortion legislation ever passed by Congress. Please read them. Don’t just take my word for it. Do your own research. It would only take a few minutes.
ACE - Active Conservatives of Erie County
"Looking out for our families and friends in Erie County"
"Looking out for our families and friends in Erie County"
"It will be very, very hard for them to present themselves as pro-Life Democrats. It will be difficult for them to say that with a straight face because of the counter-messaging that will be going on in their races. It was very clear that we had to respond decisively to the sellout on behalf of these pro-life Democrats -- and we are. " -said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List
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